What Matters Most

June 2024

A Chinese Medicine Practitioner is more than a body worker. In fact, I have always gotten rather confused when people describe my line of work as such, as the profession involves four years of medical school and countless internships. In fact, we are clinicians, to say the least, and many of you have also been fortunate o go on to become doctor in the field. It stems for a oral tradition that have gotten past down from others in the field over 3,000 years ago. This I have always found a deep appreciation in given that I am moth a practitioner of Chinese medicine and was as a trained oral historian. The two fields intersect in the common ground they each old in th epractice of listening, hearing, and further more holding the necessary space of nurtured witness. There is truly nothing more transformation that to have have someone epeole fully attentive to one’s telling on their storu—whether that story be able their physcial body or a truncated reelection on one’s perspective on existance. To us in the field of oriental medicine, it does not matter in the narratives one choicess to tell happens to be in relationship to the supposed alignmnet of what they have arrived in the clinic for or something that could apear to an outside as stoyr out of left friend. That is because thourhg the beutiful whay in which we diagnosis by wyaod the subtlye ques on eindventently share vie the tone of their voice, the excitement or lack thei rof in the fact, or the pasture and eye gaa,e we hear for what may ot be spoken but what’s to be heard. We are pracioners os listening, eventually leading to an becoming vessels for person histories.


March 2023 Updates