
“Kayleigh helped me tremendously during a difficult period of my life. I had chronic headaches, bladder pain and anxiety. I was on four different medications when I started. I am proud to say that I no longer take any prescription medications. I manage my anxiety naturally. I only get headaches occasionally and they are managed through acupuncture treatments. Kayleigh is warm, intelligent and laser focused in her work. I will forever be grateful for her help. Thanks again Kayleigh!”

- Jenn

“Kayleigh is a one-of-a-kind acupuncturist. Beyond her skills and knowledge as a practitioner, she’s also extremely dedicated to the comfort and well-being of her patients. I saw Kayleigh while pregnant with my first child, and throughout my entire pregnancy she went above and beyond to ensure I was feeling healthy, strong, and not terribly exhausted all the time. If I didn’t live in another state now, appointments with Kayleigh would be a weekly must-do for my health, self-care, and sanity.”

- Rebecca

“Kayleigh is exactly what I hoped for. She’s clearly knowledgeable and passionate about her craft, asking as many questions as needed about what was ailing me to get to the heart of how she could help. And she did! I could notice an improvement after each calming session. Thanks Kayleigh!”

- Jon

“Kayleigh brings her warm, grounded energy to her astounding expertise with her acupuncture practice. I came to Kayleigh new to acupuncture and she guided me through every moment, leaving me feeling relaxed and fully understanding what to expect. The relief I got from ongoing jaw tension pain was incredible and I'm deeply thankful for her guidance. I'm excited to continue working with Kayleigh in the years to come.”

- Emma

“Kayleigh was my healer at WTHN in Manhattan and the work that she did as an acupuncturist felt intentional and caring. Kayleigh was gentle, caring and her energy felt so soothing and calming. I felt seen by Kayleigh and I think that this played a huge role in my healing process. She explained and answered all of my questions. Thank you!”


I am very grateful to have met Kayleigh and have had the chance to work with her! Since we met at a yoga class she was teaching, things have shifted for me internally. The fact that I’m off coffee and the psychiatric medications feels like a huge accomplishment, and it is thanks to her support that I was able to do it! 
